- Sequences
- 16 Human G proteins
- 317 Species orthologs
- Couplings
- 3,052 G protein couplings
- Structures
- 1,086 G proteins
- 970 G protein complexes
- 539 Generic residues
- Structure models
- 5,595 G protein complexes
- 357 Refined complexes
- Structure interactions
- 376,338 G protein interface
- Mutations
- 54 Interface mutations

Latest release
Dec. 20, 2024- GAIN domain segments for Class B2 (Adhesion) GPCRs
- New structures
- Minor bug and performance fixes
All releases
Related resources
GPCRdb, GproteinDb, ArrestinDb and Biased Signaling Atlas cover related aspects of signal transduction while serving dedicated research communities and use cases.Publications
GproteinDb in 2024: New G protein-GPCR couplings, AlphaFold2-Multimer models and interface interactions.
Pándy-Szekeres G, Taracena Herrera LP, Caroli J, Kermani AA, Kulkarni Y, Keserű GM, Gloriam DE
Nucleic Acids Research, 2023
The G protein database, GproteinDb.
Pándy-Szekeres G, Esguerra M, Hauser AS, Caroli J, Munk C, Pilger S, Keserű GM, Kooistra AJ, Gloriam DE
Nucleic Acids Research, 2021