Number of G protein structures

Structures Gs Gi/o Gq/11 G12/13 GPa1 Total
Non complexed G protein 29 77 10 6 - 122
Receptor - G protein complexes 228 265 81 9 1 584
Total structures 257 342 91 15 1 706

Number of GPCR-G protein structures (distinct complexes)

Receptor Class Gs Gi/o Gq/11 G12/13 GPa1 Total
Class A 113 (35) 242 (90) 76 (36) 2 (2) - 433 (163)
Class B1 100 (15) 2 (2) 1 (1) - - 103 (18)
Class B2 14 (7) 6 (3) 4 (3) 7 (7) - 31 (20)
Class C - 7 (3) - - - 7 (3)
Class D1 - - - - 1 (1) 1 (1)
Class F 1 (1) 5 (1) - - - 6 (2)
Class T2 - 3 (1) - - - 3 (1)

Specific sets of structures can be downloaded from the Structures page.
The latest released structure is from 2023-08-16.

Structural coverage of GPCR-G protein complexes.

Receptor names:

Class A

G Protein complexes
s i/o q/11 12/13 GPa1

Class A

Class B1

Class B2

Class C

Class F

Class T
(Taste 2)